Al Rehab Diamond

Al Rehab Diamond Concentrated Perfume Oil 6 ml

Al Rehab Diamond

Concentrated Perfume Oil 6 ml
In Stock

Concentrated Perfume Oil Sample 0.5 ml
In Stock
Belongs to: Light, Floral, Fruity, Musky, Powder fragrances

Slightly sensual, even tenderly elegant is the playful connection of citrus with melons and white flowers. The delicate honey trace of freesia combines its beauty with oranges and mandarins, which are joined by lilies and delicate May roses.

The airiness between the various phases of the perfume shows a fluffy musk, which at the end is bound by the grandeur of velvety ambergris.

A pocket pack of oriental perfume, the big advantage of which is the small size (6 ml of perfume) so that it fits even the smallest handbag or pocket. In addition, perfume is very easy to apply using a ball in the bottle cap. So you can always have your favorite fragrance with you.

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