Ard Al Zaafaran Zahoor Al Reef

Ard Al Zaafaran Zahoor Al Reef Concentrated Perfume Oil 10 ml

Ard Al Zaafaran Zahoor Al Reef

Concentrated Perfume Oil 10 ml
In Stock

Concentrated Perfume Oil Sample 0.5 ml
In Stock
Belongs to: Light, Floral, Fruity, Musky, Powder fragrances
Composition: Peony, Tonka, Orange, Bergamot, Grasses

The gentle embrace is the softness and fragility of peonies, to which a light touch of green leaves and stalks are lined with vanilla-sounding tonality, into which the juices will resound with oranges with bitter bergamot, accompanied by an aromatic citrus petigrain.

The light airiness combines fluffy, elegant musk with fresh green grass, with creamy chords of sandalwood.

A pocket pack of oriental perfume, the big advantage of which is the small size (10 ml of perfume) so that it fits even the smallest handbag or pocket. In addition, perfume is very easy to apply using a ball in the bottle cap. You can always have your favorite fragrance with you.

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