Hamidi Attar Al Zahrat

Hamidi Attar Al Zahrat Concentrated Perfume Oil 12 ml

Hamidi Attar Al Zahrat

Concentrated Perfume Oil 12 ml
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Concentrated Perfume Oil Sample 0.5 ml
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The sweet oriental charm of Al Zahrat perfume hides a unique design, transparent, heavy crystal with cut ornaments, set in a dark blue box.

Let yourself be intoxicated by the first drop, which will fully resound the rare saffron, blending with the milk foam into a delicious cappuccino. Saffron is presented in its even intimate form of kind, bittersweet touches with undertones hidden in luxurious leather in an interesting duo with coffee, whose intense aroma harmonizes with this special chord and creates a captivating aroma.

The coffee aroma is bleached by white-blossoming jasmine flowers and bitterly fresh Africans with a pleiad of yellow and orange, in which a licorice chord with a sweetly delicate echo of orange blossoms flickers behind the curtain.

Saffron plays its tones again and envelops rare woods, led by cedar, honey-soft amber, whose sovereign tone together with the majestic queen of flowers - roses, completes the perfume composition into a velvet veil.

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