Paris Corner Autobiography Rich Leather

Paris Corner Autobiography Rich Leather Eau de Parfum 50 ml

Paris Corner Autobiography Rich Leather

Eau de Parfum 50 ml
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Eau de Parfum Sample 1 ml
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Paris Corner perfumers in the Autobiography collection, Niche presents perfumes, made from the best ingredients, of very high quality, hiding their fragrant charm in heavy glass bottles, decorated with a cap in the shape of a royal crown.

Autobiography Rich Leather would be created with the aim of changing the conventional line of perfumes, in which individual, untraditionally incorporated fragrant ingredients alternate.

The introductory, very intense chords of the skin blend their animality with the freshness of citrus, which cools the skin and gives it a special, sparkling touch. The aroma is shown in the fresh line of bergamot and lemons, at the same time it is deep and mysterious with smoky resinous echoes, highlighting the olibanum.

Seductively bowing, softly caressing the woods, the bittersweet saffron and echoes of the forest, dominated by green juniper, let in the harmonious tones, including dark berries, giving the fragrant scores a hint of burning wet wood with a haze rising from the ground, covered with leaves.

Oud and tobacco resonate somewhere in the background and show only their tame, slightly woody tone, into which there are also touches of vanilla tonka insulation at the end.

Customer Reviews (1)
I dare say that typically leather fragrances are not popular with women. No wonder many of them sound menish… Here Rich Leather got my first plus point - you won't find purely masculine tones here (don't be fooled by tobacco or the absence of flowers in the composition). The leather is luxurious, for a while you are wearing new deer gloves, for a while you are wearing a suede coat and for a while you are sitting in a new leather seat. Citrus is seconded by the skin, and here I have added another point, for not being pungent, but nicely smoothed with sweet tonka. The nice thing about them is that they stick, from beginning to end. This fragrance could also be called "Fresh Leather". The whole citrus-leather parade is supported by incense (referred to here as olibanum, it's the same). No cold church, but fine resin with an even finer touch of smoke. Rich Leather is perfectly unisex, fresh, elegant and definitely "rich". (29/11/2020 - Petra P.)


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