Paris Corner Ministry of Oud Oud Satin

Paris Corner Ministry of Oud Oud Satin Eau de Parfum 100 ml

Paris Corner Ministry of Oud Oud Satin

Eau de Parfum 100 ml
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Eau de Parfum Sample 1 ml
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Belongs to: Gourmet, Floral, Old fragrances
Composition: Styrax, Violet, Leather, Old, Rose, Vanilla

The sensually elegant introduction is opened by pink caresses full of velvet, into which touches of the fragility of violets, chased by subtly laid oud essential oil, immersed in gourmet whipped vanilla, together with cocoa-rounded, sweet-carrying styrax.

The rose blends with the oud in the intertwining of darkness, but at the same time in deeply soothing, as if gentle wavy tones resonating from the softness of the trees, to the lovely floral echo, with the glitter of mystery in the background.

Somewhere far behind the curtain, a smoke chord sounds here and there, complemented by a drop of cognac, enjoyed in a leather chair, which gives a nostalgia-smoothed, bitterly animal note again covered with roses and ouds.

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