Surrati Fusion Gold

Surrati Fusion Gold
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Fusion Gold in a comfortably processed bottle made of heavy glass, opens with dazzling flowers vibrating with noble beauty, which successfully seconds citrus fruits.
Freshness and juiciness, these are mixed tones of oranges and lemons, mandarins and limes, grapefruits and bergamot, which create a harmonious line with a bit of sweet tone, alternating with a bitter echo and a sour touch.
Vibrant fruits are alternated by flowers, the perfect elegance of magnolia flowers, roses, ice-frosted lilies of the valley and an unforgettable floral cascade that binds you with a bouquet of freesias of all colors, which blend slightly dry grasses and a breath of moss with shimmering notes of earthiness and moisture provided by vetiver.
The conclusion belongs to the quiet, even poetically played softness of rare woody plants and the veiled glitter of sensual musk.