Afnan Violet Bouquet

Afnan Violet Bouquet
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Another of the luxury achievements of the Afnan perfume house is Violet Bouquet, where the brilliant fragility is pursued by elegant grace and the sumptuous fragrance is hidden in a refined perfume bottle.
The fragrance concert is opened by tones of jasmine swaying in the waves of seduction, from the initial sweetness of fully-flowing white-blooming, intoxicating tufts of flowers, through still-flushed flower buds whose fragrance encircles earth and green with a blend of flowers and twig petals. tenderness with falling twilight, when jasmine lightly sleeps together with the intertwining bittersweet saffron, with undertones hidden in flashes of skin.
The velvety powdery chord melts into the honey bed of noble ambergris, in which floral nuances will once again sound, this time in the main tones of graceful violets.
Rare woody plants, turning their tones into majestic cedars and a spicy green aroma of firs with their balsamic-resinous notes, which also contain some forest moisture, which is chased by dry mosses.