Ajmal Encore

Ajmal Encore Concentrated Perfume Oil 12 ml

Ajmal Encore

Concentrated Perfume Oil 12 ml
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Concentrated Perfume Oil Sample 0.5 ml
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The magnificently beginning floral fruit concert shows the royal highness - Damascene rose, whose fragrance is very feminine, strongly seductive and delicate embracing. Her fruity undertones play in the company of melon sorbet along with lemonade, full of sweetly juicy tangerines and oranges.

Honey softness of unmistakable freesia resonates with beautiful orchids, which admit jasmine with creamy, cedar wood.

Incorporating a delicious wave of gourmet vanilla with bitter bergamot into velvety shades of ambergris, fragrant linen deepens into a luxurious experience.

Again, the chords of roses appear in a wisp of musk clouds.

Customer Reviews (2)
Hello, I got an amazing package today. Dear ladies, moooooc thank you. Encore oil is heavenly beauty (so I take advantage of discount :)). Every time I buy a new amazing fragrance, I think that nothing can overcome it. And look, again buying and again a wonderful discovery. Have a nice weekend (10.1.2020 - Šárka Ch.)
Hello, I ran out of Ajmal Encore perfume oil today. I thought Royal Musk perfume wouldn't surpass anything, but this oil is absolutely brilliant, amazing ... According to the label, I would probably not order it, but I got a formula with the already mentioned Musk Royal and I was really excited about this oil. Wonderful packaging, wonderful smell. Thank you and thank your friend for guiding me. So the summer has perfumed you :-) Nice rest of the day and summer. Sincerely, (15.8.2019 - Šárka N.)

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